Wednesday, April 18, 2012

BP Disaster - 2 years out

BP's opinion as to the state of seafood in the Gulf: "Seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is among the most tested in the world, and, according to the FDA and NOAA, it is as safe now as it was before the accident." 

Dr. Jim Cowan of LSU's Oceanography and Coastal Sciences says, "The fishermen have never seen anything like this. And in my 20 years working on red snapper, looking at somewhere between 20 and 30,000 fish, I've never seen anything like this either." 

Who is correct? Who do you believe? Before the accident were there "horribly mutated shrimp, fish with oozing sores, underdeveloped blue crabs lacking claws, eyeless crabs and shrimp"? It doesn't sound as though there were. 

One fisherman claims that half of the shrimp she caught last season had neither eyes nor eye sockets. She also asserts that crabs are affected: one-fifth the size, no claws, soft shells. A seafood processor claims, "I've seen the brown shrimp catch drop by two-thirds, and so far the white shrimp have been wiped out. The shrimp are immune compromised. We are finding shrimp with tumors on their heads, and are seeing this everyday." It is suspected that the primary cause of these troubles was the chemicals used to break up and disperse the oil. 

Where did I find this information? Not in the U.S. major media. I found it on Al Jazeera's web site. This seems strange to me. But I guess the spill is no longer an important issue for this country. It's more important to talk about the pre-election rantings of those who believe they should lead us. Here's an interesting video from Al Jazeera: 

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