Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Wall Street President

That's what Obama was in his first term. He stood by Geithner no matter what he did for the banks, as opposed to the people. Geithner's successor, Jacob Lew, promises to be as pro The Street as Geithner. Has Obama said anything about the attempts by the Congress to gut Dodd-Frank, which is not exactly the bill we need as it does not go far enough to straighten matters out. Why hasn't he made the regulatory agencies regulate? Does he not read the newspapers and the myriad stories about the shenanigans of the banks - Libor, the Whale, HSBC, ad nauseam? Why has no Wall Street executive gone to jail? Does he think all the major economists don't know what they're talking about? 

We need a president who works for us, not for Wall Street.

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