Thursday, September 18, 2014

Where have all the flowers gone?

The question could be rephrased as "Where have all the leaders gone". I've been watching some of the Roosevelt film of Ken Burns. I've learned a lot about Teddy. But tonight Franklin was featured, mainly in his first administration. Lord, what a difference between him and our current leaders! 

Especially when you compare what he did in 100 days with what our 21st century presidents have done in 14 years. 
FDR:Restoring confidence in the banks. Launching the FDIC, the WPA the CCC. Of course, we can't forget the other 12  years of his presidency:Social Security, TVA, NLRB, the SEC. Sure, he did screw up every so often (vide packing the Supreme Court), but we would be thoroughly pleased if GW or BO had accomplished one-tenth of FDR's achievements.
Our 21st century leaders: the Great Recession (from which we have not yet recovered), two,verging on three, wars, a Congress of ineptitude.

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