Sunday, November 06, 2005

Yoo's Arguments Go Up In Smoke

In the current issue of the New York Review of Books David Cole, a Georgetown professor, demolishes the arguments of John Yoo, the former Justice Department lawyer whose bizarre interpretation of the constitution has damaged us so much both internationally and domestically.

Yoo is the writer of memos that say that the President is above the law when it comes to his role as Commander-in-Chief. Treaties don't count. Congress does not have the power to declare war, nor does it have any say when it comes to foreign affairs. Torture is okay. Violation of the Geneva Convention is permissible. Sending captured enemies to undemocratic countries is fine.

The question is: have these claims and their implementation helped or harmed us in this 'war on terror'? The answer is obvious to anyone who has had their eyes and ears open these past two-and-a-half years.

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