Friday, June 20, 2008

Making a Pact for a Difficult Life?

Gloucester is a rather sleepy town. It's a nice, seaside place where most news reported to the outside world is focused on the sea. So, it's a surprise to me that Gloucester would be the focus of an article in Time, and in an article not focused on fishing or the sea.

Apparently, the number of
girls who became pregnant while attending the local high school is up sharply; in fact, the number, 17, is more than four times the number getting pregnant in a normal year.

Some feel that the girls entered into a pact to become pregnant. Kids do odd things. Why these girls would do something that will effect the rest of their lives is beyond me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, instead of considering the girls' motives, it would be more useful to understand how society has created young people who harbor these inclinations?