Sunday, September 21, 2014

Will more marches make a difference in combating climate change?

Marches have started all over the world today; things are going on in 161 countries. The People's Climate March has been estimated to be behind 2,000 marches around the world, the first of which brought many thousands of Australians to march; 20,000 in Melbourne alone.

New York is expected to bring out over 100,000 marchers, one of whom will be Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General. The UN will host a climate summit this week when 125 heads of states will gather to discuss what can be done. At the same time the UN has appointed Leonardo DiCaprio as its representative on climate change. Do you think these celebrities actually accomplish enough in these matters to deserve all the hype? I don't except possibly with the young. I think appointments such as these trivialize the cause.

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