Monday, October 01, 2018

Pushing the limits

California has just passed a law which makes it mandatory for companies “whose principal executive offices” are in California have at least one woman on their boards by the end of 2019 and two by 2021. Failure to do so means a fine of $100,000 for a first violation and $300,000 for a second.

While European countries, including France, Germany and Norway, have already developed gender diversity requirements for corporate boards; it seems ant-democratic to me.


sdevito said...

That is just rude.
Since when can the State tell you who to hire?
Best woman or best man should get job.
Smacks of totalitarianism.
Affirmative action for University made sense, give many a chance to prove themselves.
They should have no problem filling board seats with wonderfully qualified women but still, not the gov'ts role.

R J Adams said...

Another example of political correctness gone mad?