Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Seniors are falling more often

The National Center for Health Statistics found that in 2016 the rate of death from falls for people 75 and older was 111 per 100,000 people. This was more than double the rate in 2000 - 52 per 100,000 people. Why? Elizabeth Burns, an author of the study, says, “The most likely reason is that people are living longer with conditions that in the past they might have died from.” In addition, she continued, older adults are on medications that increase their risk of falling. Women are slightly more likely to fall than men, but men are slightly more likely to die as a result of a fall.

What can we do about it? Exercise at least 20 minutes a day, combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise including weight lifting which strengthens the legs. Tai chi, the Chinese martial art, appears to be an effective way to improve balance.

What should we not do? Minimize the medications we take to sleep as they can compromise balance. Avoid bifocal or progressive lenses when walking outside. Don't wear high heels. Wear shoes that have a back, and a sole with good tread.

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