Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Chase Manhattan still has a problem - a major one

They still think I owe them one penny. A month ago I wrote about the company's attempts to collect a penny from me. Yes, I did owe it because I made an error writing a check to them. I went through a fair amount of hassle about it, sent them a check and eventually, after a letter to Jamie Dimon, they wrote it off. And told me they did.

Well, yesterday I got another statement from them claiming I owe them the money. Why do they want to waste time and money?

1 comment:

Dean Macri said...

Al, I've missed your Vineyard Views lately. Have you been on vacation? This JP Morgan thing really makes me laugh. Was the statement paperless? If not, they owe you money for the hassle of paper (not to mention the expense on their own bottom line!