Friday, November 15, 2019

Therapy Llamas

The title of this post is not a typo. Llamas are being used for therapy for old people and young people. The llamas are in assisted living facilities, nursing and veterans’ homes, rehabilitation centers and walk-a-thons. There is even a reasonably large company, Pet Partners, in Texas that provides llamas for therapy after they have passed a qualifying exam necessary to become registered therapy llamas. The test involves being touched by strangers and remaining impassive when people nearby start arguing.

The llamas are supplied by people who keep llamas on their property. When they register their animals with Pet Partners, they are covered by insurance for the duration of their therapy visits. They must abide by strict rules about health, grooming and working conditions. No animal may work more than two hours a day, and handlers must be aware of any signs of fatigue or annoyance.

Courtesy of our Florida correspondent.

1 comment:

sdevito said...
