Monday, July 06, 2020

The meaning of hope

What is hope? It is a word used casually every day – “hope you are well”, “hope it will be a nice day tomorrow”. But the word has a more serious meaning, namely -–to have a cherished and strong desire or wish that one expects, and depends on, to be fulfilled. Hope is what humans cling to in times of crisis and chaos.

There are so many signs in the awakening of nature that fill us with the hope of renewal. There are more sunny, warmer days; brown stems and grasses opening to incredible beauty; birds chirping and creating new lives. How can we not feel hope in these signs?

Young children and teens are suffering the isolation and lack of physical contact of school mates and teachers, friends and family members. Yet hope comes from the creative ways that learning with loving and caring teachers is being made possible or from the unusual celebration of graduations in 2020 that will never be forgotten?

The elderly are missing the touch of children, grand-children and great  
grandchildren, as well as the hugs of friends and neighbors. They are missing visitors and limited access to the outside world. They are celebrating milestone birthdays, with little or no celebration. But, their hopes are being raised by visitors outside their windows or balconies, along with signs posted by family that allow neighbors and strangers to offer their good wishes, to know that they are not forgotten.

What also brings hope is witnessing the goodness and sacrifices that so many are making to keep others healthy and safe; the distribution of food in neighborhoods, strangers helping strangers. The joy and pleasure of hearing from long time acquaintances and friends, pleasant surprises, a new activity or a resurrected hobby and something newly learned all give us hope.

Let us remember that a positive attitude is the hidden secret behind successfully enduring all manner of trials, and the hope that one day the world might be a place of peaceful gatherings and sharing.

Anita Satriano, a Duncaster resident

1 comment: said...

That is one of the most uplifting and beautiful messages we have seen! All of us need hope and you have described in detail what that mean to us. We thank you for this message and for the impact it will make on so many people!
Sheila and Howie Mark