Sunday, September 13, 2020

Donor 9623

He was quite popular as a sperm bank donor. The sperm bank, Xytex, he donated to said he had an IQ of 160, spoke four languages, was pursuing a doctorate in neuroscience engineering, and looked like Tom Cruise. But sperm banks don’t have to check the validity of donor’s claims.

Donor 9623 wasn’t in graduate school nor had he ever finished college. But he donated sperm for 14 years and fathered at least 36 children all over the country as well as overseas. By accident the sperm bank released his name. And it was found out that he had been hospitalized for mental illness, had been on disability, was suicidal at one point, and pleaded guilty for burglary — all before or during the time he was donating sperm.

Sperm banks and fertility clinics are fundamentally unregulated. They don’t verify any of the biographical information that the donor submits.

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