Tuesday, June 22, 2021

What’s up with the Post Office?

The Postal Service used to be one of the most efficient government services. But that was before Trump appointed Louis DeJoy Postmaster General last year, and things started slowing down. I had to change when I paid my bills as the companies started charging me late fees. A friend of mine received notices tracking a package she sent to Mississippi; it took more than a month to arrive at its destination. 

Now DeJoy has a plan to raise prices and slash services. His plan would slow down the delivery of first-class mail while increasing the rates; instead of two to three days, nonlocal mail could take as many as five days to reach its destination. And he is also under investigation by the FBI as to whether he committed campaign-finance violations while a GOP donor. He denies any wrongdoing.

Complaining has begun. The attorneys general of 21 states and the city attorneys for San Francisco and New York have instituted a case maintaining that delaying mail delivery would violate USPS' statutory duty to provide "regular and effective" access to postal services for rural communities. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All this started before the 2020 Presidential election. Late arriving mail-in ballots don't get counted. Just a coincidence?