Wednesday, June 29, 2005

This guy might be president?

I still can’t figure out what Governor Romney has done in his 2+ years in office in Massachusetts. I know he’s spoken out for his definition of American values, i.e., opposing gay marriage, abortion and stem cell research; you know the really important problems the state of Massachusetts is facing. He can ignore things like job losses, the demise of the state as an economic force as all of its signature companies are bought by outsiders, the impossibility of buying a house for something people can afford; you know the trivialities of life.

Now he’s established an office for faith-based groups and appointed his wife to head it. I don’t criticize him for following his president in forgetting about the separation of church and state on which this country was based for 200+ years. Nor do I fault him for establishing the 27th state office for faith-based groups trying to milk the federal coffers (to which non-faith-based people contribute). Nor do I carp about the fact that his wife will earn no salary. I worry that this country has reached a point where such an idiot as Romney can be considered a possible presidential candidate for even one minute. But, then again, can we get any worse than the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

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