Saturday, June 04, 2005

The Draft Redux

I can’t say that you heard it here first, but I’m just about convinced that the draft will return. It may not return with Bush in charge, as he is loathe to act where reason is concerned; but return it will.

Most people don’t want to willingly risk their life and will not willingly join the armed services when the chances of death or dismemberment are not zero. Consider that this current war has now go on longer than all but two of our wars – WWII and the Civil War – and it looks like we’ll have troops there for a long while yet, certainly until the next congressional election and maybe even the presidential election of 2008. More soldiers have left the Army this year than last and the rate of leaving has significantly exceeded the Army’s expectations. How many are willing to join today as opposed to September 12, 2001? What happens if another area of the world explodes and we need troops there?

I’ve been lucky in that my children have, thus far, not had to fight in a war. I’m less optimistic that my grandchildren will be as lucky.

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