Thursday, May 05, 2005

Ho Hum - Another Day, Another Audit

This time it’s led to a criminal investigation. “It” being another audit by the US Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction. In reviewing almost $120,000,000 paid out at a reconstruction office in Hilah, the IG can’t find $7,000,000, a mere discrepancy of less than 6%. Chicken feed. However, since they can’t find the right paperwork for another $89,000,000, the missing amount may grow. There were enough questions to initiate a criminal investigation. For example,

Why was a contractor paid twice for the same job?

Why was $300,000+ paid on contracts that were cancelled?

Why were two employees able to leave Iraq with $700,000 in cash?

Of course, this is peanuts compared to the $9 billion discrepancy uncovered earlier this year. How much of our Medicaid expenses would $9 billion cover?

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