Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Of course, being Chairman is not that bad.

Today’s Wall Street Journal reports on Sanford Weill’s attempt to leave Citibank and start a fund of his own. Negotiations broke down because Weill wanted to leave but retain his bonus, pension and perks (including use of the jet, the car, the driver). I guess Weill was worried about his financial future. After all, he only has $887,000,000 in Citibank stock and who knows how much in other investments. He’d probably miss the $1,000,000 in salary he got in 2004, as well as the $8.4 million bonus.

This same issue reports on a couple in Pennsylvania who keep cutting their expenses in order to live within their shrinking income of $3,200 a month.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

And in the African state of Niger thousands of children are dying of starvation following prolonged drought and locust infestation ruining the harvest. The UN is asking for $16,000,000 to feed them. Weill would hardly miss it!