Sunday, April 29, 2007

Emptying Guantanamo will take longer than filling it

Our government told 82 of the 385 prisoners now at Guantanamo that they could leave. However, they are still there as the countries in which they claim citizenship will not take them, no country - including the U.S. - will give them asylum and we are bound by our laws not to send them to countries where they will be tortured (as if we had not tortured them in Guantanamo).

Rice's lawyer bemoans that other countries won't take these detainees, "In general, most countries.... believe it is not their problem. They think they didn't contribute to Guantanamo." Talk about accepting reality! What say did these countries have in determining who was 'detained' or where they would be detained or the treatment they would receive?

Also, the Pentagon has said that they expect that 60 - 80 of the detainees will eventually be tried, the others will be freed. When?

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