Monday, March 02, 2009

Going Green to the End

The object on your left is an 'ecopod'. It's the serious environmentalist's casket. This one is made of papier-mache and weighs forty pounds.

Our current burial practices - embalming, metal caskets, metal vaults - do use a lot of resources. And these practices were not those used when this country began. In those days, a dead body may have been wrapped in a blanket and placed in the earth, where it would eventually convert itself into the earth once more.

There is a movement in this country to return to a more natural way of burial. Will it catch on? There are now only eleven 'natural' cemeteries in this country, but the movement is young. Maybe one of us will be buried this way.

1 comment:

Lawyer Mom said...

Here's my question: Do you write all of your posts with a wry smile on your face, or do you take them all very seriously? Why not survey your readers on the type of casket they would pick for themselves? Make it interactive .... something to pass the time on a slow, snowy day!