Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kosher for Passover

That is not a beret on the dog; it's a yarmulke. Nor is the dog eating any old dog food, this particular dog food is made by Evanger's Dog and Cat Food Company and is certified by the Chicago Rabbinical Council as being “acceptable for use by those who observe Jewish law (free from any forbidden mixtures)”.

Some people just love their pets and want to share everything with them, including the celebration of the human's holidays. C'est la vie. Some are willing to pay $110 to have a $70 case of kosher dog food shipped to them in time for the holidays. Jedd passed this tidbit along to me as he knows that I constantly marvel at the lengths to which people will go with regard to their animals. I can understand treating the animals well and caring for them. But having dogs eat kosher food?

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Presumably they want to be sure the dog will be waiting for them when St Peter greets them at the Gates?
Yeh, I think they're totally bonkers, too.