Sunday, June 14, 2009

Accept Reality

Monument to Soviet Soldiers in Afghanistan.Image via Wikipedia

In the July issue of The Atlantic Andrew Bacevich continues his crusade to convince us that it is better to accept our limitations and the reality in Afghanistan now than to continue to waste people's lives and money on the quixotic war in Afghanistan.

On the money side he projects a cost in Afghanistan of at least $1 trillion, which is what Iraq has cost so far, without counting the future bills for veterans' medical expenses. In Bacevich's view it's money we don't have. He has a point.

He advocates an acceptance of the Afghan world where tribal chiefs rule, as long as we motivate them (with money, of course) to keep the really bad guys out. He has a point.

However, I doubt our government will follow his advice. Someday there may be a monument to our soldiers like the monument to the Russian soldiers shown here.
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