Thursday, August 06, 2009

Your jet bad, My jet good

While it was bad form for Wagoner etal to fly to Washington on their private jets last year, it's okay for our Congressmen to do so, for Congressmen are all wise. One example of their wisdom - and profligacy - was a decision by the House Appropriations Committee to give the Air Force three times what they asked for with regard to ferrying bigwigs around the world.

The Air Force asked for one Gulfstream 550 jet to upgrade their passenger service. The savants in Congress decided that the Air Force really needed three, the additional two being stationed in Maryland ready to ferry Congressmen and other 'leaders' around the world. So, instead of spending $65,000,000 to improve passenger service, the financial geniuses spent $197,000,000. Hey, it's not their money.

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