Thursday, January 21, 2010

They need to go back to school

On what planet do the Democrats live? Following the win by Scott Brown, the Democratic 'leadership'' has issued a memo in which they state "It is mathematically impossible for Democrats to pass legislation on our own." Huh? They have a majority in both the House and Senate that is larger than W had when he got just about everything he wanted.

They and the press have attempted to convince us that 60 votes are needed to pass anything in the Senate. But in a democracy majority rules. Why don't the Democrats understand that? If they feel that the filibuster rule is what is stopping them from making things happen, why don't they change the rule? The issue comes down to the willingness and ability to do their jobs - working to make America a better place for all of us.

Let the filibusters begin!


Anonymous said...

The Republicans say consensus building is like date rape. Bullies never are nice. Actually I am glad if the health bill fails - just an insurance handout, same as the drug prescription bill was a pharmaceutical handout.

What a country this side needs is about ten parties representing a myriad of views - then they would have to get along. Can't believe we can have a variety of cereals and shampoos but only two parties - comes from men's addiction to sports rather than cooperative efforts.

Anonymous said...

I heard on NPR that a party actually does need a filibuster proof majority to pass anything. The rules have changed so that the Mr Smith Goes to Washington model of a senator standing up and talking for hours has been changed so that just a vote is taken to table an issue and it can only be overridden by 3/5 of the body...essentially killing an bill.