Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Your friendly bank

Wells Fargo is the winner of that title this week.  In June they emptied a home on the assumption the owner had defaulted on his mortgage.  One minor problem: the owner did not have a mortgage with Wells Fargo on the home.  In fact, there never was any mortgage on the home.  The contractor hired by the bank emptied the wrong house.  The owner started negotiating with Wells but had trouble getting his calls returned.   Three months later the same thing happened; a Wells Fargo contractor emptied the same house, which, again, had never had a mortgage with Wells Fargo or any other bank.  Again the owner got short shrift from Wells Fargo.  That is, until the local tv station was notified of the situation and ran a story on it.  Then a Wells Fargo representative visited the owner and apologized.  Presumably, the owner will be made whole.

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