Friday, August 02, 2013

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Okay, there are some strange religions in the world.  Pastafarianism is one.  It has been recognized as an official religion by Austria and the Czech Republic.  Some Pastafarians believe that they must wear a pasta strainer on their head at all times. 

[Image via Giovanni Dall'Orto, Creative Commons licensed]

The Czech and Austrian governments have accepted that dogma and allowed members to wear their strainers in their official ID photos.  Members of the church believe that an invisible alien made of spaghetti and meatballs created the universe after 'drinking heavily.'  However, there is a serious strain in the religion as illustrated in this statement by one of the church leaders:
"I would agree that most Pastafarians don’t respect the notion that religion should sit on a pedestal.  We don’t think that because an action is explained in the context of religion it is exempt from the scrutiny it otherwise would have been subjected to.  Religion is not a free pass for crazy ideas and crazy actions." 

1 comment:

sdevito said...

I've heard of them. They are atheists mocking all organized religion