Thursday, August 01, 2013

Putting it together

Mother wants to buy a pressure cooker, so she spends a lot of time on the web searching for the one that is right for her.  Father wants to buy a backpack, so he spends a lot of time on the web searching for the one that is right for him.  Son is a news junkie and is extraordinarily interested in the Boston Marathon bombings, so he spends a lot of time on the web searching for information about the bombings.

Father is home from work one day when he gets a knock on the door.  His six visitors are from the Suffolk County police department.  They searched the house and left.

Is there a connection between the computer searches and the police search?  Mother, Michele Catalano, thinks so.  Do you?

Is this what the NSA record keeping has led to?  Is this our America? 

The hardest part of this 'job' is trying to determine the truth.  I usually consider four or five articles for every one I actually post.  It's possible that I may have screwed up on this one, as now the police are saying they visited the family because the father's former employer said that he searched the terms ‘pressure cooker bombs’ and ‘backpacks’ on his work computer. Is that the real reason for the police search?

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