Sunday, September 22, 2013

21st century porn

In the prehistoric days of the 20th century many men were attracted by pin-ups, photos of women in suggestive poses.  You could imagine all sorts of adventures with the women who were in these photos.  The key word is 'imagine'; you knew nothing was going to really happen between you and the woman you desired.  

Now pin-ups have been replaced by cam models, women who work on the internet.  Their work can be considered as pornography, but it is not offered in the same way - a film - as it was in the 20th century.  It is offered live on the web and has become quite popular, some sites get 30,000,000 visitors a month.  Now, viewers imagine in a different way, they become 'friends' with the model and express their friendship by sending money to the cam model of their choice.  One man described in this article has sent lottery winnings of $20,000 to his 'friend' and continues to send her money every month.  He 'talks' almost daily with her via text.  He has met her in person once.  He sees her as "a very open person.  There are no lies. No big walls."  It looks like the key word is still 'imagine'.

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