Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Robot as President

John Feffer has a great and funny summary of our government, "The Case for a Robot-in-Charge. You really should read it. Here is an excerpt:

I was recently watching interviews with the various candidates for the 2016 presidential elections — and it occurred to me that some of them might not be able to pass the Turing test. It sounded as if they were just repeating their campaign talking points over and over. Even their jokes were stale. Of course, they all tried to sound human. But that’s what a capable programmer would build into sophisticated software. An astute listener would have flunked the candidates on the basis of their limited rhetorical and conceptual vocabulary.

Well, that gave me pause. If our candidates are barely distinguishable from robots, our reliance on what the techies call “wetware” seems dangerously outdated. Since our programmers’ capabilities have an inverse relationship to our politicians’ capabilities, this gap between the artificial intelligence of machines and the natural stupidity of politicians is only getting larger.

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