Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Maybe it's not such a bad thing...

...that we have so many (20?) running for president. It's probably better than the days before JFK when the party bosses selected the candidates. And, maybe someone who has been a governor or senator may be capable of being a good president. But judging by what most of them say or do they probably have not been very good as a governor or senator. I would doubt that the old party bosses would have chosen many of them as their party's nominee. 

Harking back to JFK once more, we have him to thank for the current campaign fiasco. He defied the party bosses and made the primaries the place to earn the nominations. He started in January of 1960, an election year. The start now has been pushed back to almost two years before the election. We need to adopt a restricted campaign period as most sensible countries do now. Canada has a campaign period of only 35 days.

I suppose that this perpetual campaigning is good for the media. It gives them something to pontificate about - and advertising dollars. It would be nice if the candidates could pontificate about how they intend to alleviate our myriad problems.

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