Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Suspension from school

It seems as though suspending students from school occurs quite often. A February 2015 report from UCLA's Civil Rights Project found nearly 3.5 million children—about six out of every 100 public school students—were suspended at least once during the 2011-12 school year, with close to half of those (1.55 million) suspended multiple times.

We even suspend preschoolers. Nearly 8,000 preschoolers were suspended from school in the same year, often for relatively minor disruptions and misbehaviors. 
Black children accounted for 18 percent of preschool enrollment but almost half (48 percent) of the children suspended more than once; in contrast, white children were 43 percent of preschoolers, but only 26 percent were subjected to repeated suspensions. Likewise, boys comprised 54 percent of children in preschool programs, yet represented the vast majority of pre-K students suspended either once or multiple times.

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