Thursday, April 25, 2019

A Miracle?

Maybe not. But emerging from a coma after 27 years is surely a rarity. In 1991 a woman from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was seriously injured in a traffic accident.She had a severe brain injury and was in a coma. In the first couple of years, she was kept alive by feeding from a tube and she also had physiotherapy to ensure her muscles would not weaken through lack of movement.

In 2017, her family was offered a grant by the government body to be transfer to Germany. There, she underwent a number of surgeries to correct her severely shortened arm and leg muscles, and she was given medication to improve her state, including her wakefulness.
She became more responsive, and can now feel pain and have some conversations. She is back in Abu Dhabi undergoing physiotherapy and further rehabilitation - mainly to improve her posture when sitting and prevent muscles from contracting.

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