Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Another vote for impeachment

This vote from Andrei V. Kozyrev, the Russian foreign minister from 1991 to 1996. 

The summary of his article in today's NY Times: When I was the Russian foreign minister, America was a beacon of moral truth. By impeaching Donald Trump, it can become one again. 

His final paragraphs: 
That sort of presidential morality seems to be a thing of the past. But the America I knew then is still with us today, in the hearts and minds of ordinary citizens and members of Congress. If Washington looks different now, I believe it to be an aberration. 

Russia likes seeing President Trump in the White House in part because it provides the Kremlin a chance to point to the ugly side of American politics — to say, just as they did with Mr. Nixon, look how sordid, how hypocritical. 

But I believe that if Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, act to remove this president, a new powerful message would be sent to governments and people around the globe, just like the one that went out in 1974: Moral principles still matter in American politics and policy. And the future still belongs to moral truth and to those who embrace it.

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