Friday, October 25, 2019

Finally a bold proposal

Chuck Schumer wants to get rid of gas-powered cars; he wants all drivers to drive electric cars. And, he wants it done in 20 years. He is not alone, as the following groups support him: the Sierra Club, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the League of Conservation Voters, the United Automobile Workers, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Ford and General Motors.

How would this happen? First, there would be a large discount on an American-made electric vehicle when you trade in a gas-powered car. There would be grants given to states and cities to build charging stations all over the country. There would also be grants to retool existing manufacturing plants in the United States and build new ones in this country that specialize in those technologies. 

Of course, it's not cheap; Schumer estimates it would cost $454 billion over 10 years.But, it would also create tens of thousands of new, good-paying jobs in this country and should re-establish the United States as the world leader in auto manufacturing.

What are the odds of this happening with a do-nothing Congress?

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