Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Going to the MooLoo

The MooLoo is where cows who have been trained properly go when they have to urinate. This training was started as another step in climate control

There are an estimated 1.4 billion cows on Earth and they happen to emit a lot of harmful waste products — through burping, urination and defecating — making the animals a major driver of climate change. The scientists who 'invented' the MooLoo hope it will help lower greenhouse gas emissions amid the global warming crisis.

11 out of 16 calves were taught to use the MooLoo in just 15 training sessions — a result that compares favorably to the amount of time it takes to toilet-train children ages 3 to 4.

During the training process, the animals were rewarded with a sweet treat when they urinated exactly where they were supposed to go — in a special pen installed in their barn. If they toileted outside of the area they were offered a mild punishment: a short burst of water.

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