Monday, October 31, 2005

Another good candidate?

I guess if you're in your second term, you don't want to try something new. Why hire someone who might know something about the territory? It looks like Bush has nominated another less than sterling candidate to help run our government. He has nominated Ellen Sauerbrey to be Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration. While she has been a state legislator, a candidate for Maryland Governor and has recently served at the UN, she appears to have zero experience in re-settling refugees or international crisis management.

She's being lambasted for being anti-abortion, but that shouldn't be the primary reason why she should not be named to the front-line position of managing refugee affairs. The straightforward, unemotional reasons why she should not be appointed are summarized by the head of Refugees International.


R J Adams said...

A sort of overseas strain of FEMA, now led by a female version of Michael Brown?

mitsugomi said...

Thanks for blogging this story. I'm worried that Sauerbrey's nomination is getting lost in the noise about the Libby Indictment, and now Alito's SCOTUS nomination. But, Sauerbrey is so grossly unqualified that if we can mobilize people we may be able to block her nomination.