Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Trouble with Harry

Okay, Harry Belafonte has been outspoken before and, as you know, I am not a Bush fan. But, Belafonte went over the line in calling Bush the greatest tyrant and terrorist in the world. Change the name from Bush and this comment could have come from O'Reilly. Will we ever return to a time when opponents were more civil to each other?


R J Adams said...

I have to agree with you. Such outbursts are puerile and do neither side any good.

Anonymous said...

Well, given that the American left denied Bush legitimacy after the 2000 election, that major western European daily newspapers called Americans idiots on their front pages for re-electing him in 2004, and that Kanye West and a host of others have called him a racist with impunity, is it any surprise that old Mr. Tallyman sinks to even lower depths?

That said, it's encouraging to see you wince at it. It's shameful.