Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Nuremberg or International Criminal Tribunals

Which serve justice better? Nuremburg was a pretty cut and dried affair. It took less than a year to decide to hang 22 Nazis. The Rwanda tribunal has taken almost ten years to deal with 44 cases with a staff of 1042 and costs of at least $231,000,000. The Yugoslavia tribunal, starring Slobodan Milosevich for the past four years, has cost over $1.2 billion resulting in 161 indictments. The Nuremburg trials were military trials. The International Criminal Tribunals do not follow military law.

Are the International Criminal Tribunals worth the money, the time, the effort? Do they achieve reconciliation or do they simply prolong the enmities? South Africa didn't use the tribunals. Nor did Mozambique. Both have moved on from the dark days. Have Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia?

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