Monday, December 31, 2007

Against Partisanship

Norman, Oklahoma will be the site where a raft of middle-of-the-road politicians will gather next week to see whether there is anything that can be done to get the country out of the bitter partisanship that is driving us down the tubes. Politicians from both major parties will be there: Nunn, Boren, Hagel, Cohen, Graham, Whitman etal. They would like to see a government of national unity. Perhaps, a president unaffiliated with either major party might be able to restore our sense of unity.

Mike Bloomberg will also attend. He's been rather coy as to whether he will run as an independent, but the ads he placed in Iowa and New Hampshire lead one to believe that he will be a candidate, especially if he can get the support of the people attending this meeting.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

I like Bloomberg's policies, but even if he gets the support of his fellow politicians at the Oklahoma meet, will America prove itself sane enough to vote for him?