Monday, May 18, 2009

Making it happen

In my business experience I've always been fortunate in being able to work with creative people, people who generated a number of ideas for addressing the matter at hand. It was difficult to select the best idea and even more so to make it happen. I have my doubts as to Geithner's ability to select the best idea (assuming he does get a raft of ideas), but I am not alone in thinking he has a very hard time making it happen. David Cho at the Washington Post raises this issue in today's newspaper.

I was shocked to learn that Wagoner is still on the GM payroll because Treasury can't make a decision about his severance package. But I was not surprised that Geithner still seems to be in thrall with his former boss, Summers.

And, then, there has been the issue of personnel. It's now almost four months since the inauguration. How many has it been since Geithner's appointment? Where are the senior staff that should be working for the Treasury by now?

This is no way to operate when the house is burning.

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