Saturday, May 02, 2009

The Season Is Beginning Early

Last month the rumor on this island of Martha's Vineyard was that the first family would be spending their summer vacation in Oak Bluffs. This month the rumor is that Chelsea Clinton will be married in Chilmark.

Either event will be great for the Vineyard's economy.

1 comment:

John Sundman said...

Hey Al,

Define "great"! To me it sounds like lots more traffic and hassle.

I suppose when so much of the local economy is predicated on tourism, that's all well and good. But for those of us whose livelihoods have nothing to do with that, visits by megacelebreties just means more infestation. Oh well, I suppose I should stop being grumpy and wish good fortune on our friends who do depend on the visitor dollar. And who could think ill of a Chilmark wedding?