Saturday, November 06, 2010

Now What?

Foreign Policy has ten ideas as to what Obama can do to regain his mojo. The ideas come from conservatives as well as liberals. The most surprising article espouses a major cut of the defense budget. The major cut is not what surprises me as I think this would also benefit the economy considerably. What surpirses me is that the article was written by Christopher Preble, the director (no less) of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute of all places.

Some other interesting ideas:

  • Cut payroll taxes for both employee and employer.
  • Mandate that fleet vehicles use natural gas.
  • Have both the military and the state department deal with Pakistan, India and Afghanistan; now they each have a group that deals with India and another that deals with Pakistan.
  • Call for a Geneva Convention to deal with the issue of terrorists.

Not bad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No question that Obama has to improve quality of his economic team and there are vacancies that allow him to do this. He should pick a well reputed CEO from industry, not from the financial sector and replace Geithner, treasury or his secretrary of commerce that remains unknown in the public.
As a first move, Washington should announce that all special benefits, including pensions, healthcare,etc are taken away for senators and members of the house and its staff and replaced by normal benefits that are also paid to the man on the street in his or her job. No special treatment.