Monday, December 26, 2011

Another Failure of the War On Drugs

Most of us in America are well aware of the problems Mexico has had with its war on drugs. An article by Cecilia Balli in Harper's provides more insight into that war. Had the Harper's web site been more au courant (i.e., more usable), I could provide more dramatic views of just how badly that war has gone. 

The problem stemmed from Calderon's decision to bring in the military when the judicial system was incapable of investigating and prosecuting drug traffickers. Plus, the military was ill equipped to wage war against the drug traffickers; they wound up really waging war against the poor in Mexico. A typical raid would involve soldiers demanding entry into a house late at night, robbing the home owners and arresting their sons; legal authorization for any of this was imaginary. Eventually the military was replaced by federal police. They preferred to seek protection money.

What effect for good this war has provided is very, very uncertain.

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