Monday, June 25, 2012

Worshipping the military

We have reached the stage where our army can be considered an army of mercenaries.  But, it is an unusual brand of mercenary, as our Congress has placed these soldiers on a pedestal.  One must not point out that GI Joe has been replaced by a career military person.  

Not only does Congress champion the military as the only true defenders of this country, but it pays soldiers much, much better than the draftees of the old days.  Military personnel costs have nearly doubled since fiscal year 2001 and now consume one-third of the Pentagon’s base budget—about $180 billion per year.  It is not the Pentagon that has pushed for these raises; it is our Congress, most of whose members have never served in the military.

It is not only pay that has escalated.  Health care costs have grown by 300% since FY2001.  The primary reason for this astronomical increase is not the treatment of active duty soldiers; it's due to the cost of treating military retirees.

It's time that Congress listened to the Pentagon on this issue.

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