Sunday, March 13, 2016

Questions for the candidates

Andrew Bacevich asked these questions in an article about Obama's record:
What exactly does Great Britain bring to the “special relationship” that should justify its continuation?
Even if Berlin was worth fighting for a half-century ago, why does it follow that Kiev is worth fighting for today?
Does “the West” actually exist? And even if it does, why should the racially and culturally diverse United States choose to affiliate with that one particular tribe?
With the world’s economic center of gravity shifting to Asia, what is the residual significance of free-riding Europe?
How should radical changes in the global energy environment affect the status of the Persian Gulf in the U.S. strategic hierarchy?
Given the paltry results achieved through myriad recent U.S. armed interventions in the Islamic world, what exactly is the present-day utility of force?
Under what definition of the term “ally” do countries such as Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Pakistan—each routinely behaving in ways contrary to U.S. interests—qualify for that designation?

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