Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Our President

Read the previous post which is a column in the NY Times listing Donald Trump's frailties because this post is my understanding of Leonhardt's comments about Trump.

My comments are simple. 

First of all, I assume that, by and large, Leonhardt's comments are factual. It is very hard to believe that any person responsible for these actions could be president of any democracy - or, your boss, your employee, your friend, your relative. Nixon may have been a tough person to be president, but he was not in Trump's league; yet he was convicted of impeachment. 

I think Trump should be impeached before he brings us into WWIII, wrongs any more of our allies, does nothing about the climate or comes up with another unbelievable - and dastardly - action.

1 comment:

sdevito said...

These are surely dangerous times.
The ethos that Trump believes could be classified as schizophrenia.
Definition is clear.