Thursday, April 15, 2010

McGovern Does Not Give Up Easily

Congressman Jim McGovern from Massachusetts actually took some steps to shut down the Iraq war; and I'm talking about 2008. He did not succeed, but, at least, he did something, which is more than can be said for our other Massachusetts Congressmen. Now he's trying to shut down our misadventure in Afghanistan. He's teamed with Russ Feingold, another guy who actually seems to work for us, and Bill Jones, who is a Republican, with legislation to force the administration to specify a timetable for withdrawal from another of our 21st century quagmires.

The legislation is simple. The press release says that it
  • Would require the president to provide a plan and timetable for drawing down our forces in Afghanistan and identify any variables that could require changes to that timetable.
  • Would safeguard U.S. taxpayer dollars by ensuring all U.S. activity in Afghanistan be overseen by an Inspector General.
  • Does not set a specific date for withdrawal.
I know that it's extremely unlikely that the legislation will get very far. But, finally, some of our leaders are actually trying to lead and lead in a sensible direction.

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