Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Going all out

The administration is really making a push to get all government agencies to parrot Iraq talking points. Here's a message from a USDA PR person:

"The President has requested that all members of his cabinet and sub-cabinet incorporate message points on the Global War on Terror into speeches, including specific examples of what each agency is doing to aid the reconstruction of Iraq."

Attached to the message was a PDF file that contained "specific examples of GWOT messages within agriculture speeches. Please use these message points as often as possible and send Harry Phillips, USDA's director of speechwriting, a weekly email summarizing the event, date and location of each speech incorporating the attached language. Your responses will be included in a weekly account sent to the White House."

It's hard to think of an agency that could be less involved in the GWOT than USDA. But, hey, in times of crisis, everybody has to pitch in.

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