Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The numbers keep climbing

The number of mortgage foreclosures in Massachusetts are up 30% for the first quarter and double the number from 2003. It's likely that a similar picture is emerging across the country, particularly in states where there has been a housing boom. The foreclosures will only increase as interest rates rise.

It may sound un-American but not all of us should be homeowners.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about not everyone should be a homeowner. I live in a lovely little apartment in the "artsy-fartsy" district of Richmond. I wouldn't have it any other way. No maintenance, plenty of restaurants and shops within walking distance, 3 museums within walking distance...whats not to love? I swear that if I could go back and raise my kids all over again I'd raise them in an apartment in the city.