Sunday, October 08, 2006

Executive Orders for Jesus

The Boston Globe says that, based on its review of over 52,000 USAID contracts and grants, the amount of AID money going to Christian organizations has doubled over the past 5+ years while there has been a growing movement away from the separation of church and state, one of the founding principles of our government. Now almost 20% of USAID money goes to faith-based organizations, many of whom operate as though the health benefits they bring to USAID recipients are intimately connected with the religious services offered to these people in need.

The breach of the wall separating church and state is the result of executive orders issued by Bush, such as:
  • It used to be that groups needed to preach religion in one place and operate government programs in another. Not any more.
  • It used to be that government funds were not used to pay for employees required to take an oath to one religion. Not any more.
  • It used to be that groups were required to inform beneficiaries that attendance at religious services was not a requirement to receive aid. Not any more.

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