Friday, October 06, 2006

"Today's Fiscal Policy Remains Unsustainable"

Those are not my words, although I agree with them. They are the words of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in publishing their latest update of our nation's fiscal situation. Three times a year the GAO updates their long-term fiscal simulations. Their conclusion: "Under any reasonable set of expectations about future spending and revenues, the risks posed to the Nation's future financial condition are too high to be acceptable." We're simply spending too much for the revenue we take in.

Unless we do something soon, the steps needed to fix the problem will be of such a magnitude that I'm glad I won't be around. However, my kids and grandkids will. My parents left me a reasonably decent economy; I'd like to do the same for my descendants. But, given our present leaders, it's unlikely they will have the courage to face reality and make the changes necessary, such as restoring tax cuts, eliminating stupid spending and investing intelligently in education.

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